Friday, June 26, 2009

Conniption Fit

I had myself a little breakdown yesterday... it wasn't pretty. My doctor was concerned that due to my recent surgery and all its post-op complications/infections along with lack of rest and stress from school and work, my body just isn't coping and healing well. I got some new sleeping pills and am happy to report that I actually slept through the night yesterday!

I am a happier camper today :)


Michelle said...

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well!! Hope you're feeling better soon.
~Michelle (ICLW)

Rachel said...

Just came upon your blog today. I was diagnosed in April after suffering through 13 years of pain. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your story!

My Endo Journey said...

Dude, sleep is AMAZING! I hope you get some rest this weekend. Take care of yourself!!!! :)


Erika said...

I'm so glad you got some much needed sleep! I hope this weekend you can catch up on all that sleep you've missed.

Endo Living said...

Sleep is good. I am glad you are doing better. I am currently in the hospital for my lap that was yesterday and will be in another night. Thanks for being so honest with the details of your surgery. It really helped me.

Christa said...

I heart sleeping pills. Sometimes you just need them. Your well being comes first! Make you time!

Jeanne said...


I'm sorry you've been having a rough time but glad you got some sleep!


Jenn said...


devon said...

I hope you have gotten LOTS of sleep this past week!!! Sweet dreams... :)